Introductionページに戻る 日本語版
リストマーク Using the PPTouch
(1).Save and expand under the zip.

(2).iPhone or iPodTouch which are installing PPTouch system connect to the same network as the PC.

(3).Start PPTouch.exe in the folder expanded at (1), then select PowerPoint which is using to presentation.

If the PC-side applications stop without connecting to a iPod, please press the Delete button after you close a slideshow of the PowerPoint.

(4).After you can start a slideshow, start the PPTouch of iPod side and select the mode.
(Mode at this time is selected referring to the introduction of mode.)

(5).After selecting mode, press the button of "接続開始" in the lower left corner of the screen iPod.
(If the bar can go to MAX meter, is a successful connection. This task may take a considerable amount of time.)

(If the word of "接続相手を探しています" was changed to the word of "接続先が見つかりません", the network may wrong or not use at PPTouch.)

If the PC-side applications stop without connecting to a iPod, please press the Delete button after you close a slideshow of the PowerPoint.

(6).Once connected, you can freely presentation using PPTouch.

Introduction the mode of PPTouch

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Introduction the functionality of PPTouch

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リストマーク Contact Us

 Feedback to the system of PPTouch, please contact the following e-mail address
 Kwansei Gakuin University Yamamoto Lab.