授業科目名 英語コミュニケーションIIA
履修期 春 1単位 履修基準年度 2年
授業目的 / Course Objectives
The purpose of this course is to improve students` English presentation, note-taking, academic listening, and speaking skills.
到達目標 / Attainment Objectives
By the end of this course, students should be able to deliver a short presentation in English and participate in a non-scripted, small group discussion on a scientific topic completely in English. During the presentations, students should be able to maintain eye contact for at least 50% of the time, control various aspects of body language, use understandable speech, and deliver organized, interesting content within a time limit. For group discussions, students should be able to maintain eye contact, ask and answer various types of questions, give opinions and help others in the group understand using polite English phrases. Furthermore, students should be able to take notes on academic lectures and identify key ideas in the lecture.
授業時間外の学習 (準備学習等について) / Study Required Outside of Class (Preparation etc.)
There are no prerequisites for this course. However, in general, students are expected to have mastered the material taught in Communication IA and IB before taking this course. Writing IIA and Reading IIA are connected to the content of this course.
授業計画 / Class Overall Plan
This course meets once a week, but the teacher will integrate instruction with the Reading IIA and Writing IIA courses often. This course is designed to build on the basics of speaking and listening taught in Communication IA and the presentation skills taught in Communication IB. Students will learn more communication tools to assist them in giving presentation and having a discussion using only English. In addition, this course will have a listening component as a way for students to improve their comprehension of English academic lectures.
教科書 / Textbook(s)
Science and Global Issues - English 2A
参考文献 References Books
授業方法 / Method of Instruction
This will be a workshop-based class in which the teacher will give clear instructions and guidance while the students practice and interact with each other in a variety of communicative activities. Students will practice presentation skills in class and be assessed on their mastery of those skills during their presentation. Students will also be introduced to English academic lectures in class, and be tested on their successful completion of related activities.
学生による授業評価の方法 / Course Evaluation by Students
成績評価 / Evaluation Criteria/Method
Students must earn a grade of at least 60% to pass this course. Students will be assessed on homework, listening ability, and mastery of speaking communication tools through instructor-determined coursework. Speaking assessments will be given to determine the students’ level of success in using the practiced speaking communication tools in a small group discussion. Students will be assessed on mastery of presentation demonstrated by 1-2 presentations. Finally, students will be expected to attend class and participate on a regular basis.
備考 / Note
検索キーワード / Keywords
English/ speaking/ listening/ communication