授業科目名 英語リーディングIIA
履修期 春 1単位 履修基準年度 2年
授業目的 / Course Objectives
The aim of this Course is to acquire skills of critical thinking by reading science topics. In intensive reading, students will read current issues and controversies in the world of science and infer what is the best solution or what is hidden in the advancement of science. The Course will provide other reading opportunities such as Speed Reading and Extensive Reading through which students will acquire the habit of reading in English without the aid of dictionaries, aiming at fluency in reading.
到達目標 / Attainment Objectives
At the end of the semester, students will acquire the following skills.
1. Further reading skills
2. Critical thinking
3. Providing their own opinions on global issues
授業時間外の学習 (準備学習等について) / Study Required Outside of Class (Preparation etc.)
Students who often appear in class without preparation will not receive any ‘Class performance’ score.
授業計画 / Class Overall Plan
The details of the contents will be provided at the beginning of the Course in class. The following items will be covered throughout the semester.
(1) weekly intensive reading
(2) graded readers to be read outside class
(3) extensive reading on the Internet outside class
(4) vocabulary building, grammar practice
Details of Weekly Schedules will be provided at the beginning of the semester.
教科書 / Textbook(s)
'Science and Global Issues' & TOEICテストにでる順英単語 (continued from the first year) available at Seikyo Bookshop
参考文献 References Books
授業方法 / Method of Instruction
The Course will take a workshop style in which teacher and student will discuss what they read. If necessary, students will be requested to make a speech of their own conclusion or to write it for the teacher to check. Different teachers may take different approaches, however, they all aim to achieve what is stated in the ‘Course Objectives’ above.
学生による授業評価の方法 / Course Evaluation by Students
Conducted in class
成績評価 / Evaluation Criteria/Method
Students must earn a grade of at least 60% to pass this Course. The following will be assessed.
Two class examinations 35%
Graded Readers reports 15%
Class project on graded readers 7%
Extensive reading reports 10%
Vocabulary tests 30%
Class performance 3%
Total 100%

NB: Vocabulary Tests include: three tests based on the Textbook (15%) and three tests based on the TOEIC vocab book (15%).
備考 / Note
検索キーワード / Keywords
Words Intensive reading/Fluency in reading/Critical thinking/Vocabulary development